

I came across an interesting concept this weekend and it's best explained in the words of the creator:

"Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio, often referred to by its acronym RaDAR, is concept for operating an amateur radio station anywhere, anytime and even in adverse environmental conditions. This concept supports the amateur radio service’s emergency communications mandate."

Maybe it's because I've been thinking about the same lines for quite some time.

To read more about this concept, visit the website:

vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM

Monitoring Global Center of Activity, HFLink and HFPack frequencies:


  1. Hi Marcus,

    I came across your blog after doing a search on RaDAR via Google.

    I'm very glad you found the concept interesting!

    Please see the latest comments with emphasis on movable RaDAR stations and the exciting contest rule changes for 2013!

    73 de Eddie ZS6BNE

    1. Dear OM Eddie,

      Thank you for your post on my blog! I am trying hard to contact you via various means... I forwarded you the email which I sent to ZS6KMD a few months ago, to which I did not note a reply and thus did not pursue the idea any further.

      I tried to contact you via your blog, but I guess it did not reach you.

      I would like to spread the idea of RaDAR to the US (where I currently operate) and to Germany as well, but saw the former website more focused on South Africa.

      Could the:
      "5. Recommended digital modes frequencies Refer to the SARL contest manual (GR 16)"
      be posted explicitly on your website? http://zs6bne.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/radar-contes-proposed-rule-changes-for-2013/
      …since I was unable to open the SARL manual in question.

      Do you have a newsgroup for RaDAR by any chance?

      You might know of the HFPack Yahoo newsgroup which has over 10000 members, maybe you'd like to post there - I'd also be happy to post about you too; it is somewhat US centered, but there are many international members and believe that it is the perfect platform for your writing about your contest.

      I would also like to write about the RaDAR contest and the RaDAR idea in QSL (the ARRL magazine http://www.arrl.org/qst ) if you allow.

      Please forgive my ignorance, is the flag with the Rino from South Africa? Last question: where does one submit the RaDAR contest QSL logs?

      With best wishes for the New Year and looking forward to your reply,

      vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM

      Begin forwarded message:

      From: Marcus <kd0jkm@...
      Subject: porting your idea into the US and Germany
      Date: 7 October 2012 22:38:22 CDT
      To: kevin@...

      Dear OM Kevin,

      I love your RaDAR idea and also your RaDAR logo! I would like to port this idea to the US and also to Germany (by translating the text of your website into German). Would it be ok with you if I started a US and separately a German centered Newsgroup on Yahoo or Google with your logo (however without the link in the logo) but referencing prominently to your idea creation and website? I think you really caught onto something and I would like help spread the idea you thought of.

      With best regards,

      vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM
