
Google Crisis Map for Hurricane Sandy

...or how Amateur Radio Operators and SWLs may assist from far away in disaster response efforts

Google has put together an interactive map combing radar, satellite images,
forecasts, Red Cross shelters, etc. for Hurricane Sandy.

On the following page they have a link: "Tools for First Responders".

They've been doing this since Katrina.

let's brainstorm how these tools may assist in our EmComm efforts and how HAMs and SWLs (who are remote from the affected area of a disaster) may be able to assist in Disaster Response efforts by transcribing data received while monitoring the airwaves. It's certainly not necessary to be "in the front lines" as a HAM or SWL to be able to help those in need.

I credit Irv W4IWK for making me aware of this resource.

vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM


First time as NetControl on 5403.5

Operated the HF Radio Assistance Network tonight for the first time on 5403.5 kHz at 20:27 hours local (CST) time from Little Rock, AR. Was not surprised that no one responded on it's inauguration. Will aim to operate the net every night at 20:00 hours local time (CST).

73 Marcus KD0JKM


30 Meter Multi Mode Weekend – 27/28 October 2012

Please take note of the following announcement:
30 Meter Multi Mode Weekend
*** includes promoting FLDIGI and RSID - see event details ***

When: October 27th and 28th 2012

Where: 10 MHz - 30 Meter Band (10.100 – 10.150)

Objective: To promote experimenting and using different digital modes on the unique 30 Meter Band. 

For a more detailed listing of this event go here:

(You are welcome to post this event information to your other digital friends, Clubs, Yahoo/Google Groups, other Ham Related Websites, etc – please DO help us promote this event - the more that participate the more fun for al and thanks to those that participate on the 30 Meter Band!)

The 30 Meter Digital Group (30MDG) is celebrating….5 year Anniversary, 6,000 members (120DXCC), and our 30MDG Award Program issuing over 31,000 Award Certificates. 30MDG is FREE to join, FREE Awards program with FREE Award software – Ultimate 30 or U30).

GL and as always this is NOT a contest – no start or stop times, no exchanges, no logs to send to anyone, no winners or trophy – this IS to PROMOTE AWARENESS of the 30 METER BAND and the only winners are those that participate and have fun!

Don KB9UMT 30MDG#0001-Founder
And the 30MDG Team


My first QSL card

Today I made the final decisions regarding the design of my QSL card. Please be aware that I reference multiple entities on my card, which I truly admire. I believe to be infringing no copyright. No parts of this design may be used for other works as I have no rights over the logos featured on my card. 

Please visit especially:

and allow me to mention Bonnie Crystal KQ6XA whose work in HFLink and HFPack has had great influence on my HAM operating, although we never met or had any significant direct exchange of ideas.

vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM

Monitoring Global Center of Activity, HFLink and HFPack frequencies:

Introducing the Radio Assistance Network

Another interesting concept I read about this weekend...

Allow me to re-blog:

to join the email group for this new idea.  Your input will be appreciated.  The concept draws on comments and thoughts over the past few months about alternative concepts to ARES/RACES and formal groups,  and also on the comments made by those wishing to expand some of the NBEMS HF activities..  Co-moderators for the email group are solicited. 

The website is quite basic at the moment, not even any colors, but will improve it as suggestions arrive and as interest grows.  I'll create a specific domain name if their is sufficient interest.  The group is open to all , around the world.  Perhaps some regional sub-groups in the future.

Of particular interest are your comments on what may seem like a peculiar idea, the 8-8-12 Nets.  

Andy K3UK


I came across an interesting concept this weekend and it's best explained in the words of the creator:

"Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio, often referred to by its acronym RaDAR, is concept for operating an amateur radio station anywhere, anytime and even in adverse environmental conditions. This concept supports the amateur radio service’s emergency communications mandate."

Maybe it's because I've been thinking about the same lines for quite some time.

To read more about this concept, visit the website:

vy 73 de Marcus KD0JKM

Monitoring Global Center of Activity, HFLink and HFPack frequencies: